Optimisation of Checkout Flow on the Mobile

Want to improve your website's checkout flow on your mobile in order to increase your conversions? 9 out of 10 Danish webshops miss sales.


By focusing more on your users' experience through the flow, it is possible. In this blog post, you will get some pointers on what a good user experience (UX) is on mobile and how you can improve your checkout flow on mobile with a focus on UX.


What is good UX on mobile - and what is not?

There are several different definitions of what good UX is. However, the core definition centers around meeting the specific needs of users in specific contexts. By focusing on mobile, you will also be ready for Mobile-First indexing.


When we talk about good UX for mobile, there are some best practices that are an important part of the design process, such as:

·       Prioritise the user

·       Make the navigation intuitive

·       Focus on the user's goals

·       Make the user’s tasks easy to do

·       Build speed into the UX

·       Give feedback to the user

·       Minimise the amount of extra information

·       Layout the design according to the user's hand (see image below)




By having these best practices in mind, you can create a better user experience for users who either visit your home page via mobile or app. Remember that the future of search is about one overall user experience.


How do I create a better checkout flow?

Buy-ready users often leave the checkout flow because they experience some form of frustration during the buying process, giving them a poor user experience.

Below are some best practices for how you can minimise the users’ feeling of frustration in the checkout flow and thereby give them a better user experience. Getting started with conversion optimization is easy.


Visualise the curve

It should be easy and clear for the user to understand and control what is in his/her basket.

A rule of thumb is that the user must have clarity about the product, which includes product images and information, such as price and delivery costs.

In addition, the user should have the feeling of control when it comes to making changes to the curve. Therefore, the user must be able to update the number, colors, size, etc. as well as remove products from the basket.


Save for later

The Save for later feature can be an important factor in the checkout flow, as it allows users to save a product on the page itself and come back to buy it later.

Some users assume that websites or apps automatically store the information in the basket, which can create great frustration when they return and discover the basket is empty.

Delivery information

Filling out a long form is both time consuming and can result in errors and frustrations among users. Therefore, minimise the number of fields to make it easy and fast for users to enter their information.

Another thing you can do to optimise the process here is to insert a field with the option to use shipping address as billing address. This eliminates the need for users to enter the same information twice.

Auto-fill and error

One of the primary purposes of auto-fill is to make it easier and faster for users to fill out a form. At the same time, auto-fill reduces the risk of user error which creates a better user experience.

There are several different types of auto-fill options, such as filling in delivery information or finding an address by entering a postcode.

Should it happen that a user enters information that contains an error, it is important that the user receives feedback on this. This could be, for example, if the user has entered his telephone number with a 7 or 9 number instead of 8. Then it must be clear in the form where the error is, so that the user can easily and quickly correct the error.

The feedback that helps the user detect the error provides a better experience as the user can quickly and easily locate and correct the error.

Order overview

In the order overview, it is important that the structure of the information is organised in a way that will help streamline the users' checkout. Therefore, the shipping address should be at the top where users have the option to change it.

Then the number of products and their details should be displayed to avoid the user going back in the process to make sure that they are the right products.

Discounts, delivery costs, VAT and the total price should also be included in the order overview. This way, you avoid an unexpected cost for users later in the process, which prevents them from converting.

Payment methods

For many users, entering card information on their mobile phone can be cross-border and time consuming. Therefore, you can create a better user experience by offering different payment methods - including the ability to use MobilePay.

That way, users avoid entering card information, and some users perceive the method as more secure compared to entering it directly on the website.

Another way to create a great user experience is by displaying security and verification images in the payment step. It gives users a sense of confidence and security in the checkout flow.



Purchase confirmation

Last but not least, a purchase confirmation contributes to a good user experience, as users now know that the transaction has been completed and a confirmation email has been sent.

There are several elements you can consider including in the purchase confirmation to create an even better user experience. For example, you might add an image or illustration that clearly shows the purchase has been completed.

Here, users get a sense of a successful checkout process and confirmation  they completed their goal, namely, to buy a product.

How do I know if it works?

As mentioned earlier, good UX is characterised by meeting the specific needs of the users in specific contexts. The optimizations that are meet your users’ needs and work for your business may not work for another business and their users.

It is important to be clear about what your optimizations should improve. The easiest way to do this is to set up different KPIs. With a KPI framework, you always have an overview of what to measure and how it goes.

Although the previous sections provide examples of best practices in UX optimization of a checkout flow on mobile, it is not possible to know in advance whether the optimizations you make on your website or app will work with your users.

Therefore, it will be important to perform A / B split tests of the optimizations before they are implemented. Here, the different versions are tested against each other, making it possible for you to find out whether the optimizations perform in your checkout flow or not before they are implemented. You should never implement anything without testing it first.


Need help getting started?


You are always welcome to contact us if you want to hear more about how we can help you optimise your checkout flow and UX.

We are happy to help you get started, so that together we can create a digital success that drives business performance.