PPC - Paid Search Advertising Services

Paid Advertising

How We Do It

We know how to connect a brand with the right person at the right moment, using data to deliver personal, adaptive and valuable search experiences. We combine our deep expertise with unique partnerships to deliver more efficient and innovative uses of platforms that maximise campaign performance and drive business growth. Our focus on cutting-edge proprietary and third-party technologies places our clients at the forefront in emerging areas such as voice search.

How It Works

Omnichannel solutions

We plan, attribute, measure and optimise search across every channel available. This includes properly addressing mobile, taking advantage of its unique context and opportunities such as local search.

Data integration

Search is no longer limited to keywords. We connect search with online and offline media, and with all available signals using CRM data or third-party audience data.

Global delivery, Local expertise

Thanks to our global footprint, our clients’ campaigns are not only based on our deep understanding of local consumers and local search landscape, but also on shared best practices on the most effective Paid Search tactics across our network.

Always-on experimentation

Paid Search is a balance between efficiencies and scalability whilst hitting defined KPI’s. We encompass a relentless and detailed testing approach to accelerate brands’ performance.

What We Do

Search has always been the best way to capture and convert consumer intent, by serving relevant content when it matters the most. The search landscape is constantly changing, and brands need proven experts to make the most of this powerful marketing channel. As Google’s #1 customer in the world, iProspect has unparalleled access to consumer data and insights, as well as the most recent media and platform testing opportunities – all of which are passed directly to our clients.

We plan in terms of audiences, not keywords. We know how to make the most of today's evolving data and insights, marketing platforms, and digital formats. Our experts apply the very latest in machine learning and automated technology to influence bidding and budgeting across Paid Search campaigns, whilst running sophisticated attribution analysis.

Discover Our Services

SEO – Organic Search

Elevate your online presence with our comprehensive SEO strategies tailored to boost organic visibility and drive targeted traffic to your website.

Programmatic Advertising

Harness the power of automation and data insights with programmatic advertising. Deliver highly targeted and personalised advertising experiences across digital channels, optimising ad placements and budget allocation for optimal performance and efficiency.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Enhance user experience and maximise conversions through data-driven insights and strategic optimisation techniques with our Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) services.

Paid Social Media Advertising

Reach and engage your target audience effectively across various social media platforms through targeted advertising campaigns, driving brand awareness, website traffic, and conversions.